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Home for The Homeless

In the Video you see Chad describing the different types of places homeless guys get to find shelter away from the public and chaos of the streets. The camps are always moving because the homeless say that you get paranoid of what people might see and do to you or steal from you.

we also got to spend the day with a few of the homeless guys who are trying to get back on their feet by using different resources offered Downtown. We met most of them on them at the library which is a popular homeless hangout because they have access to the internet, AC, and bathroom use from 9am to 8pm most days. we took a few and bought them some lunch at Mcdonalds from the cash leftover from last night.

We mainly spoke to a young guy that goes by the name " cowboy" that dressed the part as well. He had the cowboy hat and cowboy boots witht the tight jeans and belt to march the outfit. Cowboy told us that he is 24 years old and graduated from Perry high school in 2008. He said that his drinking problem and expensive cigarrette addiction mixed with his anger problem was the culprit for his homeless situation. He told us that he had only been homeless 5 months and that is was his first time being homeless on a consisted basis. Before we ate chad and i had taken him to Mens Challenge where he showed motivation and willingness to get back on his feet and get a good job to support himself.

While cowboy, Chad and i were finishing our meal one of the young couples that accepted Christ as Lord yesterday walked in and Chad got to do some marital counseling with them. Chad spoke to the young man about what it means to be a man of God and not abuse his wife as they ate in the table next to ours. The young man, since recently getting saved at turnaround community outreach, was struggling to control his anger and controlling his emotions when frustrated. We shared about the transforming power of the word and prayer and being God fearing man. As we were talking with them Chad gave them 5 dollars of our leftover money and they got themselves sandwiches off the dollar menu like we did. Cowbow was just listening to the conversation on the other side of the table adding as he saw fit to the conversation. We then left the couple at Mcdonalds and went looking for campsites and place homeless people find to sleep. We also thought is would be a good idea to go by the Salvation Army to see when they offer Showers so Chad and I could take some showers tomorrow because the Body odor was getting unbearable.

After that chad and i split up because i had to go to school at Malone so i went and bought my first bus ticket and took the bus to the corner of 25th st and cleveland and i walked the rest of the way to campus. Chad took the time to go to the library and do some studying and reflection for our class assignments. Overrall it was a good day and im excited to actually get my first shower since sunday.





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