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Morning Adventures

Last night was an eventful night to say the least as we try to unsuccessfully sleep at aultman hospital. The security guard came in to do his rounds around 330 am and asked us what patient we were there for becuase i assume he knew were homeless or just simply following protocol. We tried to talk around it but did not have answers to satisfy the security guard to let us keep sleeping in their. After we got asked to leave the place we were sleeping we walked outside to a nearby bench with the intention of finding a bench to sleep on but soon after a young security guard came out and we knew it was time to leave the premises.

We then left aultman and went to the nearby walmart to pass the time before sunrise. We sat there and talked about how paranoid we had become in just our small experience of being homeless in the city of canton. we realized that every glance, question or gift extended to us is met with more questions in our minds of why and what is about to consipre. We felt that we could not trust alot of people especially those in authority because we felt like we were disturbing "normal people".

One thing that was really interesting is how people especially those in authority question those who seem homeless so harshly.

To us it seemed that to be homeless is to be a second class member of our society and we got to experience that first hand.






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